Homeschool Days
Homeschoolers, this opportunity is designed for you! Sign up individually, or as a group, for an educational program followed by a chance to explore the museum. Space is limited, so register early to get a good seat by filling out this form! Seating begins 15 minutes before the start of the program. If space is available, same day registration is available. Please note: Membership discounts apply only to non-participant museum admissions. Register now by clicking here.
January 11 - Snake Dissection
They are some of the most diverse and well adapted animals to ever walk the earth. In
our first Home School Days class of the New Year we will take a look at reptiles. We will
discuss common characteristics of reptiles, species variation, predator/prey
relationships, and more. After our discussion we will conduct a snake
dissection during which we will explore the internal and external anatomy of a
non-venomous snake. $15 per student.
February 8 - Wild Weather
There’s an old saying in North Carolina, “If you don’t like the weather just wait 5 minutes.” If
you’ve lived in this area for any length of time you know that there can be drastic
changes in our day to day weather. Using hands-on experiments we will explore the
various factors that determine the type of weather we experience. The weather topics we will cover include wind, rain, clouds, tornados, lightning and more! $10 per person.
March 8 - Sheep Brain Dissection
Registration closed. Join us as we learn about one of the body’s most important organs, the brain. In this program students will learn about the complexity of the brain, including the structure and function of each region. The program includes the dissection of a sheep brain, giving students a hands-on approach to learning about the center of the nervous system. $14 per person.
April 12 - Exploring the Deep Sea
We have explored less than 5% of our planet’s oceans. We will dive into this true “final frontier” to examine how deep sea exploration is conducted. Through discussion and hands-on experiments we will explore sea life, map the sea floor, witness underwater volcanoes and discover so much more! $10 per person.
May 10 - Skates and Rays Dissection
When it comes to cartilaginous fish, sharks get all the attention. However, in this dissection lab we will focus on the shark’s stealthy cousins, sting rays and skates. Students will learn the internal and external anatomy of both creatures to see their similarities and differences. $14 per person.
All Ages 5 and up. Class will be divided into separate age groups depending on number of registrants.
Register now by clicking here.