Preschool Science Says

We are pleased to offer an interactive learning program for preschool children ages 2-5 and an accompanying adult the second Tuesday of every month. Participants will learn about science through hands-on lessons and activities.

Register below!

Who: Preschool Children ages 2-5 with an accompanying adult
When: The second Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m.
Where: The Imagination Station Science & History Museum

January 9: Air Rockets

February 13: Colors of the Rainbow

Learn about all the colors of the rainbow, and see how we can mix colors to create something different.

March 13: Egg-speriments!

Learn all about eggs! We will look at some different kinds of eggs, then do some special egg-speriments!

April 10: Big Teeth, Small Teeth

Teeth come in many shapes and sizes! Come learn about how animals use their teeth to hunt and eat.

May 8: Meet the Spiders

We will take a look at our eight-legged friends and learn more about their unique web-making skills.

Fill out my online form.