Week of January 1, 1960--Rain and labor troubles
Friday, January 1, 1960
Cloudy and cold. Farm labor; J.C. Moore, Norman Joseph, Arthur Thigpen, Leroy Gorham, David and McArthur Briggs. Feeding yearling calves (11), roto mower on lepedeza straw, broke up ground and put down fertilizer on 700yds tobacco bed. Worked only ½ day and I paid off labor for week as Gorham is leaving I went to see the Robert Williams family and told them to move into his house. I then went to Wiley Walton on V.B. Anderson Farm to ask him about a tenant. Lewis went to Maysville, N.C. to see a friend. Turner, Adah, Sarah at home.
Saturday, January 2, 1960
Cloudy and cool. No farm work. Wiley Walton and I went to Leggetts and Dickens Hill to try and get a sharecropper as I need one. NO LUCK.
Sunday, January 3, 1960
Rain till 10AM. Warm. Fair and nice balance of day. Sarah and I left at 7:30 AM to take Adah to meet the airplane at Raleigh. She left at 12 noon and we returned about 2 PM. Sarah and I went to call on Mary Hester Lewis (?) who has returned from hospital. I went to Edgecombe General Hospital to see Crackers Hendricks (Hart). Lewis went back to State about 8 PM.
Monday, January 4, 1960
Cloudy and cool. Spreading peanut picker beds (Norman and Arthur). Discing and cutting cotton stalks (David). McArthur and Turner doing odd jobs. I was in town in PM attending a County Commissioners meeting.
Tuesday, January 5, 1960
Fair and cloudy and cool. Gassed 5 tobacco beds. Disc cotton stalks. Cleaned out hog house. I have not got a replacement for Dick Heath. Leroy Gorham moved off farm today.
Wednesday, January 6, 1960
RAIN, RAIN, RAIN, ALL DAY. Cool. No farm work. Top hogs are 12.50 today. Last year this date, 18.75.
Thursday, January 7, 1960
RAIN, RAIN, ALL DAY. WARM. No farm work.