Men’s Ministries
Pilgrims Bible Study
The Pilgrims Bible Study meets every other Saturday morning at the Stockholm Inn. Currently we are discussing the issue of worldliness by working our way through the book Finally Alive by John Piper. While there is good deal of time in fellowship, our conversation is centered on how the Word of God may be applied to our lives individually. Our talk is challenging, edifying and encouraging. We are a group of men dedicated to the Lord, each other, and some great food.
Iron Men Bible Study
Iron men is an inductive Bible study made up of men who desire to see God reveal Himself through His Word and in their lives. We meet in each others' homes to spend time fellowshipping and studying around the Word every other week in the evenings. Wives and children are always welcome and spend time together while the men study. Galatians was the first book that we dug into several years ago, and since then we've also gone through the books of Hebrews, Genesis, Daniel, and are now currently working our way through the Gospel of John.