
Rowland Strickland
Lay Elder


Jonathan Brooks

Jonathan was called as associate pastor in January of 2007 and then called as the main preaching pastor in 2013. He and his wife, Lori, have three daughters and one son: Hannah, Madeline, Emerson, and Caleb. Jonathan is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jonathan's desire is to see Christ exalted, the lost saved, and believers to become more like Jesus. You can follow Jonathan on Twitter.

Rowland Strickland

Rowland was installed as an elder in September 2012 and has been a part of Christ Community Church from the beginning. Rowland is a pharmacist and has owned and operated Stantonsburg Drug since 1982. He and his wife, Jane, have a passion to see Christ honored in the church and surrounding community.